Mobile PV Power on the Pine Ridge Reservation
We are excited to be working with Henry Red Cloud and Trees, Water & People in Pine Ridge South Dakota. Our first class celebrated Energy Independence day July 2017 by building three different mobile solar power systems:
1 "Light in a bucket" utilizing a 5 gallon bucket, small solar panel, battery and one LED bulb.
2 "Hand-truck" utilizing a plywood box bolted to a hand-truck using a larger battery, a 1,000 Watt AC inverter, and USB plugs
3 "Mobile Solar-Powered Stations" these trailers that have 4,000 Watt AC inverters, 1,200 Watts of solar panels, and 1,000 lbs. of batteries
These mobile power stations are now used in homes, at water protector camps, and for community gatherings to provide lighting and clean, quiet electricity. Each system built now provides a teaching aid, traveling between different Native communities, helping to educate about energy produced by the sun.
We continue to collaborate on new curricula and instructions manuals with Trees Water & People