Sarah Kwach, Instructor
Sarah is a Research Scientist at KIRDI, a renewable energy consultant, trained Solar PV Technician (T1,T2 and T3), Energy auditor, QMS auditor and trainer. She is also a Certified Energy Manager with Association of Energy Engineers. Sarah is passionate about undertaking community work, empowerment, and impacting lives of women, youth and girls. She has taught a wide range of course as a part time Lecturer: engineering thermodynamics (1 &2) and Alternatives energy at Technical University of Kenya, Solar cooling system at Strathmore Univesity, Calculus 1 &2 -JKUAT program, Solar Lab course with Remote Energy in Collaboration with Women in Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship (WISEe). Sarah has over 15 years of research work and has been involved in the establishment of many energy projects in Kenya such as an intergrated solar cooling and drying system in the Coast, Nyongara Biogas plant etc. Sarah has deliverered other services in Energy sector; Gender and Social Inclusion, installation of solar PV systems, and WSS Suitcases in schools within Kenya, STEM trainings and Energy efficiency and audits. Sarah has authored some publications such as World Small Hydropower and Development Reports for 2019 and 2022.