Hilda Simiyu, Instructor
Hilda is an electrical engineer in the EPC of the renewable energy sector, a renewable energy consultant and trainer. She is a registered graduate engineer with Kenya’s Engineers Board of Kenya. After attending the Solar PV technician training organized by VOCTEC at the Strathmore University Energy Centre (SERC), underwent the Energy and Petroleum Regulation Authority.
Over the last four years, Hilda has overseen implementation of more than 50 residential, commercial and industrial solar solutions while in employment at Knights Energy Ltd and on an individual basis as a Renewable Energy consultant. She is currently conducting a consultancy assignment for Steamology Ltd on behalf of WISEe. She is also a solar powered irrigation systems trainer and has recently undergone trainings in solar PV roof installation safety. She is also a STEM trainer after undertaking the WSS Solar Suitcase STEM training of trainers.
She is a member of the Women in Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship (WISEe), which is an energy service cooperative in Kenya that focuses on capacity building of women in Renewable Energy and Entrepreneurship.